If this is Friday it must be update day!
What a week ....
The feelings of a black cloud surrounding me is still present and accounted for. But this too shall pass, and hopefully take the crappy weather with it.
My Aunt passed away this week on Wednesday. I never did get back to the hospital to see her, but I am glad that I did get a chance to see her when I did. She was 83 and never married, and before I had my hubby in my life I often wondered if I'd turn out like her. She always had an edge about her. Of years of living on her own, living with her own rules, and no one else to wear down the rough edges.
The one area that I was sure would be different between us was that I was (and still am) convinced I'd turn into that "old cat lady". You know, that old lady down the streets who can't say no to any stray cats, and will eventually get evicted from her small apartment because of the kitty litter all over the place.
I digress .....
So on top of my Aunts funeral next week, we have also had a lovely lady (and a friend) from our church pass away on Thursday. She would have been in her early to mid 70's, and was showing signs of Alzheimer's. Her husband took her into the hospital last Friday for an assessment and they wanted to keep her overnight for observation. The hospital called him in on Saturday morning to tell them that she had an "aggressive leukemia" and only had weeks to live. Five days later she was gone.
I really hate cancer. It has no boundaries, is not age restrictive, and can be either slow and painful, or short and not so sweet. My 44 year old friend is not doing better, and probably only has weeks to live unless there is a massive miracle with her name on it. I do believe in miracles, but this one is testing my limits.
I KNOW that God is good all the time. All the time God is good. But sometimes its so hard to see His hand in things. That said, I do see His hand in my friend with Alzheimer's life. He saved her from a frustrating, debilitating illness that could have gone on for years. But instead He choose to take her swiftly. Thank you Lord.
I am determined to leave this post on an up swing, and I will. This last week it was decided that I would fly back east and visit a childhood girlfriend of mine. We've known each other since we were 11 & 12, and although she's been out here twice in the last 8 years, I haven't been back to visit her since her wedding in 1982. Bad me.
Growing up I considered her family my family. I loved going out to their tobacco farm and helping in harvest season. Their dining room table was always an interesting place to share a meal. Way more fun than at my house.
Her father passed away this last year, and I never got a chance to tell her parents how important they were to me during some very difficult tween and teen years. So I am hoping to be able to chat with her mom, and hug her, and tell her how much she means to me.
I'm very excited about taking this trip. Even though it costs more to fly within Canada than it does to fly to London, England. Oh well, it will be well worth every penny.
Have a most excellent weekend people!!!