I had my once-every-two-years eye exam yesterday. I've been wearing glasses since I was thirty. It was bound to happen as both my parents did as well.
My last prescription change up two years ago moved me into the world of "Progessive Lenses", which are the evolution of bi-focal/tri-focal lenses. Which is also the evolution of making me feel old.
I'm naturally near-sighted, so I don't even tend to wear my glasses when I'm reading a book. But when I need to see the computer screen or beyond . . . forgetting my glasses is not a good thing. I'm pretty blind.
So yesterdays visit wasn't much of a surprise - I'll need to get new glasses. I used to enjoy looking for glasses, but not anymore. I can't find a 'style' that I like. And because a 'progressive' lens needs more space - the tiny little things not much bigger than a slit - don't work. And the new fashion with really wide temples (or arms) don't work well with progressives .... I'm coming up with nothin'.
What's a fashion conscious woman to do? (I use the term "fashion" & "conscious" lightly).
To top my exam off, the doc wanted to do eye drops that dilate your eyes.
A recommendation here - never, ever try to shop for eye glass frames when you can't stop the streams of light from bright overhead florescent from piercing your very skull. It truly is a useless endeavor. (and I might add that I was having a bad hair day. Not a very good combination.)
The other thing you're really shouldn't do once you've had those drops ..... is drive home on a sunny day.
Thankfully - I didn't have far to go to get home, my dark curtain clad home. My eyes were still dilated when I went to bed that night.
All is well with the world today, but now I'm on the hunt for the perfect glasses.