It's so quiet.
There's little to no mess to clean up.
I can eat what and when I want and it generally involves vegetables (unheard of in our household).
But I do miss the hugs and the smiles.
I digress . . . I've been keeping myself busy non-the-less. And to prove it, here are some photo's.
The little dog "Duke" you've seen before, but his companion is "Marlie" a Black German Shepherd. Both dogs, in real life, belong to my brother, and I created these for him for his birthday a week ago. I've really got to get them in the mail. (I admit this only to you few readers - I'm not happy with how Marlie turned out. Nose isn't right. Neck is too long .... my list could go on. But I have to remember that I only started doing this felting stuff back at the end of November. Ya get whatcha get. Right!?)
The Dinosaur was something I just started the other night and finished last night.
Idle hands are the devils play ground .... Actually - my hands aren't idle, but they're sure playing!
Those are so cool!!!
Thanks Eric. I have just a little fun when being creative.
These are so cute!!
How did you created those cute marlie and duke. Well I really liked those. Keep on such work..thanks for entertaining.
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