Friday, February 5, 2010

Pointing Fingers At Others

Oh man! There are some awesome topics of discussion out there on my blogroll today.

If you're in the mood to contemplate love, hate, and vengeance check out Cardio Girl. She posts an interesting question every Friday.

If you're more into blogging, lurkers, and stalkers check out The Bumbles.

Both reads have given me much food for thought today. It's Friday, for which I'm very thankful, and we have no plans for the weekend, which makes me even more thankful.

On other news fronts, I've had a few new visitors to Musings this week. I've often wondered where people/bloggers come from. How did they find me? I find it fascinating to check out a first-time commenter. Do a quick scan of their writing style and profile (and always let them know I've been by and thank them for visiting). In particular I'm always surprised when I find that I have little to nothing in common with a visitor.

Oh this blogging thing is a mystery wrapped up in a question mark isn't it?

But I'll leave you with a query of my own - if you could ask me anything you wanted - what would it be? (I may or may not answer. That will depend on your question.)


The Bumbles said...

I like to see where people find us from too. Sometimes it is a meme, sometimes through someone's blog roll, and most often because they saw me comment somewhere they frequent and were intrigued enough to go right to the source.

I believe you found us through Cardio Girl - funny that you should mention us both right off on this post!

Hmmm. I can ask you anything? Do you appreciate Monty Python? For me, that tells me a lot about the kind of person I'm dealing with ;0)

P.S. I just read The Lovely Bones a few weeks ago. Maybe that's where my stalking post idea came from. I enjoyed the book despite some flaws.

Good Timing said...

Just me, poking my nose in to say hello. :)

Anonymous said...

People finding our journals is always interesting. I don't quite recall how I found you. Do you remember? It's been a long time.

Kristi said...

Hi! I'm Kristi from Thimble Thoughts and I'm a first time visitor. I found you by clicking "Next Blog" which is something I very rarely do because you just never know what's going to pop up. But your blog, I liked. :)


Elizabeth A. said...

Thanks for visiting my blog.

Do you think marriage is easier for someone of my generation or yours or is it all still the same?