Friday, May 7, 2010

Brings Joy To My Heart

The baby Hummingbirds have hatched. I began to see them on Wednesday, but I couldn't get a picture until today. I can't believe how much they've grown in only a few short days.


Please keep in mind these pictures are taken through a window which made them a little whitish. But, oh, aren't they beautiful!!

God is so good.


Captain Poolie said...

OOOOH! Be still my heart! They are amazing! I love them!

Lin said...

Awwwww, that is amazing!! I can't believe how tiny they are! You did really great getting those photos for us--thank you. :)

JD at I Do Things said...

Oh, my gosh! You're so lucky! And the photos are amazing. Such wee birdlets!

I think I saw a hummingbird once, in Jamaica. So beautiful.

Good Timing said...

That is a good shot - even through the window!! They are so teeny!!

LJ said...

Ladies All: I have so enjoyed watching the process of these two Mom & Pop Hummingbirds. And This is the 3 or 4th year they've come back to the same area. And the babies - oh my - they've even grown in the few short days since I began to notice them. How can something so fragile and small live in such a small nest out in the open? It truly is amazing.

Purple Cow said...

The whitishness gives them a dreamier quality. Lovely pictures!

House Dreams said...

I love your hummingbirds!
In northern California we've had lots of hummingbirds (anna's I think or ruby throated) in the last 20 years, but no nests that we can find...they are really sneaky.